<이터널 선샤인>

다음은 이터널 선샤인의 한 장면이다.

There’s a silence.
CLEMENTINE My name’s Clementine, by the way.
JOEL I’m Joel.
CLEMENTINE No jokes about my name? Oh, you wouldn’t do that; you’re trying to be nice.
JOEL I don’t know any jokes about your name.
CLEMENTINE Huckleberry Hound?
JOEL I don’t know what that means.
CLEMENTINE Huckleberry Hound! What, are you nuts?
JOEL It’s been suggested.
CLEMENTINE (singing)
“Oh my darlin’, oh my darlin’, oh my darlin’ Clementine”? No? Nothin’?
JOEL Sorry. It’s a pretty name, though. It means “merciful”, right? Clemency?
CLEMENTINE (impressed) Yeah. Although it hardly fits. I’m a vindictive little bitch, truth be told.
JOEL See, I wouldn’t think that about you.
CLEMENTINE (pissy) Why wouldn’t you think that about me?
JOEL I don’t know. I was just… I don’t know. I was just… You seemed nice, so —
CLEMENTINE Now I’m nice? Don’t you know any other adjectives? There’s careless and snotty and overbearing and argumentative… mumpish.
JOEL (mumbling) Well, anyway… Sorry.
They sit in silence for a while.

“멋지다고요? 아는 형용사가 그거밖에 없어요? 칠칠맞은*도 있고, 재수없는도 있고, 건방떠는도 있고, 따지고드는도 있고, 또 … 쌀쌀맞은도 있잖아요.” 요금 클레멘타인의 이 대사가 가끔 생각난다. 그냥 그렇다.

* 안다. 칠칠치 못하다가 맞다는 거.

Posted in 블루 노트.

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